Perfect result
MedPack has specially developed design templates and die cutting tool for printed labels for tubes, ensuring that the result is perfect every time.
– This ensures that you have the same colors and look on all your printed labels.
– You get the best price when your label purchases are centered in one place.
– It is easy for you with a supplier who knows your brand, your design guidelines etc. and takes care of the process form beginning to end.
We have production equipment for applying printed labels to tubes and we always have 200.000 tubes in stock. With us, you get concrete advice on the design of your printed labels and on the choice of the optimal material and tube design. We help you with printing your labels as well as labeling your tubes. We deliver your finished tubes to the people who make and fill your product. This way, we ensure that your finished packaging is of the highest quality and has the best look.
Test printing – so you feel safe
You always approve your label before printing but if you need digital proof, we will of course arrange it, so you can be sure that the finished look of the label matches your expectations.
MedPack supplies labels for:
– White and colored tubes
– Airless tubes
– Plastic and glass jars
– Plastic and glass bottles
– Boxes and cartons
At MedPack, we handle the job from start to finish, easy and convenient for you.
Labels printed digitally
We primarily print labels digitally. Is is advantageous for both small and large orders. You pay for start-up, but after that the price is the same per label.
Labels printed in flexo
For more demanding tasks, large print orders, or labels that have silver, gold, or copper as part of the design, we print your labels in flexo.
Labels that last
We know what demands are placed on labels for cosmetics packaging. Perhaps the label is exposed to water and moisture daily.
Best price of labels
At MedPack, you save cost of die cutting tool, because we have almost all formats. This helps to ensure that you get the best price overall – every time.